Category: Site News

  • Apologies For The Virtual Mess

    Regular readers will no doubt have noticed that this site is undergoing some visual changes. I had grown tired of the old look and thus am undertaking a bit of a rehabbing. There are all sorts of nits to fix (the archives page doesn’t work correctly, for instance) and I felt that I needed some…

  • New Stuff For The New Year

    A very happy New Year to all my readers (you know who you three are… *grin*). I hope yours was a good celebration — ours was spent with friends who left early (but not before I addicted them to the Wii) and then Dick Clark, as per tradition. I admire the man for his fortitude…

  • New T-Shirt Designs

    I’ve dropped the hammer on a couple of new t-shirt designs, available immediately over at The idea for the shirt (“Don’t Tickle Me, Bro!”) sprang forth from a lunchtime conversation last week and I’m pretty psyched with how they look. Now, let’s see if I 1) avoid getting my products taken down by Zazzle…

  • I Was Going To Post But Space Aliens, Yeah, Aliens, That’s The Ticket…!

    Another set of blogging promises made, another set broken. Due to a combination of snow, Philadelphia traffic, filial piety and a particularly nasty bug affecting one of my anti-spam plugins, I was unable to make even a semblance of the promised post yesterday. Apologies.

  • Eating My Own Dogfood (In A Good Way)

    Sorry for the lack of posting. Not only has work been crazy, but I’ve also been burning the minutes on my freshly-received iPod Touch, thanks to Matt Mullenweg and the iPhone contest. WPhone been berry berry good to me. *grin* Oh, did mention that this is my first official post from the Touch? Whee!

  • About That Super-Secret Project…

    The full reason for sporadic updates here at Literal Barrage can finally be revealed: I’ve been spending a good amount of time working on a side project with two other talented WordPress hackers, Stephane and Viper. The project, WPhone Admin plugin, is a WordPress plugin that aims to make administering your WP blog[s] from a…

  • DreamHost-Related Site Weirdness

    If you’ve been having difficulty reaching this site over the past few days (I know that I have, for one…), there appears to be two very good reasons: DreamHost (my hosting provider) has been having ARP issues as well as related DNS problems. It’s at times like this that I really appreciate how DreamHost handles…

  • A Very Merry Unbirthday To Me

    Work has been a little on the crazy side as of late, so my 5th anniversary of blogging (which was yesterday) passed by unnoticed. Mind you, it’s not the 5th anniversary of Literal Barrage, whose existence traces to sometime after the run-up to the ’03 invasion of Iraq, but rather the anniversary of my first…

  • Me? Piggyback? Never!

    I’ve been stewing over this for a bit and, on word of Fred! Thompson officially announcing his intentions to run for Prez., I figured I’d make it official:, your one-stop-shop for irreverent moichandise designed by Yours Truly. I’m feeling in a campaign-y sort of mood, so while you’re there, take a look at what…

  • Potential Weirdness Inbound

    A small programming note for my dedicated readers: I just moved this blog over to WordPress version 2.2 since the version I was running (2.1.3) was vulnerable to a rather nasty cross-site scripting vulnerability. If you notice that anything is missing (images, pages, etc.) or anything that throws errors, please go ahead and drop me…