Category: Apple

  • My Move To The Mac (Encapsulated In A Few Brief Tweets)

    My Move To The Mac (Encapsulated In A Few Brief Tweets)

    I had a mini-discussion with Neil Stevens about the genesis of my Mac use, sparked by the news that GNOME is moving to JavaScript as its primary development language. I used to be a strict Linux-only user and tended to look down on Macs as mere playthings. I’ll let the Tweets tell the rest of…

  • Pranking Yourself In A Few Simple Steps

    Pranking Yourself In A Few Simple Steps

    Please understand, this is purely a hypothetical situation and in no way accurately reflects the way I spent a good 15-30 minutes of my life today. Obtain Magic Trackpad for use with your MacBook. Use Magic Trackpad for a couple of weeks. Revert to previous optical mouse once general sluggishness and RSA-inducing motions promoted by…

  • “Movin’ On Up”, As Performed By Two White Boys, A Guitar And An iPhone

    Truly, we are living in the end of days.

  • Vide-O-Rama

    Posting has been sparse — I’ve been busy, busy, busy at Ye Olde Shoppe Of Employment[e] and engaging in family-related matters and thus have had precious little time for blog-related silliness. I haven’t been so busy as to miss out on some of the excellent entertainment the Internet is known to (occasionally) yield, so please…

  • On Psystar, Apple And Conspiracy Theories

    I was listening to this week’s TWiT on my commute in this morning when one of the TWiTs mentioned that they were taking a pass on the Psystar Open Computer (essentially a gray box hacked to run OS X Leopard) because the threat of an Apple lawsuit putting Psystar out of business is simply too…

  • I’m Picking Up Extremely High Levels Of “Enterprise” Humor In This Sector, Captain.

    From the Mac OS X section of Sun/EMC/Legato’s HTML manual for their Networker Enterprise Backup System (EBS) version 7.3.2: Ref. cack vs. the intended “backup” for full humorous effect. Those who have used vainly attempted to use EMC’s EBS offering on the Mac (particularly Intel Macs) will find this highly amusing, I suspect.

  • iJailBroken

    I finally executed a jailbreak on my iPod Touch using the excellent iJailBreak software. It was literally a question of downloading the software, connecting my Touch, double-clicking the .app and then clicking “Jailbreak”. 5 minutes later, I had a fully-functional Touch, complete with, ready to go. I haven’t had a chance to install much…

  • I Was Saying “Boo, Urns!”

    I don’t know if you were paying attention to technology news today, but Apple held a little keynote address at their yearly Macworld Expo at which Steve Jobs announced the MacBook Air, a pretty freakin’ cool piece of ultra-lightweight mobile computing technology. He also announced a free firmware update for the iPhone which adds triangulation…

  • NetNewsWire 3.1 Is Now Free (As In Beer)

    NetNewsWire, by far my favorite RSS/Atom feed reader on the Mac, has gone completely free as of version 3.1. (See the Wikipedia article for the distinctions between free-as-in-beer vs. free-as-in-speech). There’s always been a Lite version of the app, one which limited the feed history to an artificially low number amongst other annoyances. This is…

  • iToo iFunny

    By way of TUAW today, we have They iScrewed Me Again, a (very well done) MadTV rant against Apple’s upgrade churn on the iPod product line. Video below, mild language warning (if you’re offended by Olde English terms for children of questionable parentage, then this video has got a word or two you’ll want to…