Category: Software

  • WordPress Hg

    I’ve really caught the Mercurial bug recently and have begun chewing coworkers’ ears off about its benefits. I’ve been looking into ways to integrate it into my WordPress-related efforts and, inspired by this recent post on the WP Devel blog announcing a github effort to make WP available via git, I decided to set up…

  • This Is Why GReader’s “Like It” Functionality Is Stupid

    I mean, did people like the fact that Kennedy died, or did they appreciate Gruber pointing it out, or…? And yes, this same complaint extends to Facebook, Friendfeed and any other “social” service that employs such a limited functional metaphor for “I thought this piece of information was important and would like to bring it…

  • NetNewsWire 3.1 Is Now Free (As In Beer)

    NetNewsWire, by far my favorite RSS/Atom feed reader on the Mac, has gone completely free as of version 3.1. (See the Wikipedia article for the distinctions between free-as-in-beer vs. free-as-in-speech). There’s always been a Lite version of the app, one which limited the feed history to an artificially low number amongst other annoyances. This is…

  • There’s Just No Accounting For Crazy. Or Masochistic. Or Masochistic-Crazy.

    As I wended my way home last night, I was listening to this “week’s” FLOSS Weekly and just about had to pull my car to the side of the road, due to my sheer astonishment. Leo and Randal had a developer on who was promoting Seaside, a web development framework for Smalltalk (particularly the Squeak…

  • Eating My Own Dogfood (In A Good Way)

    Sorry for the lack of posting. Not only has work been crazy, but I’ve also been burning the minutes on my freshly-received iPod Touch, thanks to Matt Mullenweg and the iPhone contest. WPhone been berry berry good to me. *grin* Oh, did mention that this is my first official post from the Touch? Whee!

  • We Only Scored A ‘6.0’ From The Russian Judge

    …But still managed to pull out a win in the WordPress iPhone Content contest. Matt Mullenweg announced the results on the wp-hackers mailing list today. Stephane, Viper and I are super psyched about the win. Our congratulations also go out to Dan and Jared whose entry garnered them some great plaudits as well. I’ll be…

  • A New Version Of WPhone: 1.4.0 Is Out.

    Stephane, Viper and I have released a new version of our WPhone Admin plugin, bringing the tally to version 1.4.0. There’s a good bit to this version, including bugfixes galore and an all-new plugin management interface, allowing users to enable, disable and manage their installed plugins from the road. Head on over to the site…

  • Drive-By iPhoning

    I’m posting this as I’m headed out the door: A forum user graciously snapped a bunch of interface photos of the WPhone plugin I’ve been working on. I’ve gotta say, it’s looking great — hit our screenshot page if you don’t believe me. The contest ends this coming Monday, with judging to follow shortly thereafter.…

  • About That Super-Secret Project…

    The full reason for sporadic updates here at Literal Barrage can finally be revealed: I’ve been spending a good amount of time working on a side project with two other talented WordPress hackers, Stephane and Viper. The project, WPhone Admin plugin, is a WordPress plugin that aims to make administering your WP blog[s] from a…

  • Haxx0red!

    In the interests of full disclosure, I’d like to announce that my blog was cracked into in the wee hours of the morning (PDT) two Saturdays ago (9/21/2007). I have yet to figure out the vector the crackers used to compromise my blog, but I will repost the details that I have found out so…