Tag Books

J.K., You Devious Fiend!

On this, the day of the latest Harry Potter film’s release, I stumbled across Cracked.com’ Top 6 Reasons Harry Potter Isn’t For Kids. For instance, from Reason #3, “Welcome to the Wonderful World of White Supremacy”: […] Rowling, on the…

Good Taste Wins Out, For Once

I was extremely surprised to find out that Fox News was readying an interview with O.J. Simpson in advance of his “hypothetical” book’s release. I was even more surprised to find out that they not only backed off the interview…

The Illustrated Stephenson

Credit goes out to Aron for ferreting this one out. He’s been on a bit of a Flickr kick recently and happened across a Flickr group that is seeking to photographically document the real-world locations described in Neal Stephenson’s Baroque…