Tag: Free-Software

  • NetNewsWire 3.1 Is Now Free (As In Beer)

    NetNewsWire, by far my favorite RSS/Atom feed reader on the Mac, has gone completely free as of version 3.1. (See the Wikipedia article for the distinctions between free-as-in-beer vs. free-as-in-speech). There’s always been a Lite version of the app, one which limited the feed history to an artificially low number amongst other annoyances. This is…

  • Swik Gets A Facelift

    You will recall (or, if you’re not a total Free Software/Linux geek like me, you will have forgotten) that I mentioned a site called Swik a few months back. Well, Swik’s lead designer contacted me the other day: Hi, you posted about SWiK in July and I just want to let you know that we…