Tag: Hillary-Clinton

  • Summa Summa Summa Summeleon…

    Browser dump/slacking summation time! I know y’all love it. Heavy on the videos, light on the eyes and the ol’ noggin. BigDog: Mechanical military dog-like thing that creeps me out, mannnn (especially when they kick it). Looks like something out of Metal Gear Solid: BigDog beta? Comedy gold (must watch first video first for full…

  • The (Browser Tab) Week In Review

    It’s that time again — time to offloadshare the most intriguing links I’ve stumbled across in the past week or so and thus unburden my poor computer’s swap spaceheart and soul. Iron Man trailer — yes, have some. Montana: withdrawing from the Union if the SCotUS doesn’t find an individual right to bear arms. Honey,…

  • Make Way For Hellary.

    And now, your moment of Zen: Looks like the AP is a part of that DVRWC after all. Like rats fleeing a sinking Presidential campaign, the lot of ’em! Heh. UPDATE: Aron pointed out that the likely culprit is the dastardly Tom Morrow; Hillary’s reaction likely not pretty. (Found via the inimitable LGF.)

  • I’m Unsure As To The Cultural Significance Of Any Of This (Or: Obama Is A Cylon)

    UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers. Please note that we’re proudly running WordPress, despite Prof. Reynolds’ unkind words about it. *grin* (Surviving the Instalanche thanks entirely to Donncha’s excellent WP Super Cache plugin) Aron and I have long noted that Battlestar Galactica‘s Colonel Tigh (played by Michael Hogan) bears a more-than-striking resemblance to one Senator John McCain,…

  • Run From Teh Hillary!

    The Photoshop goons at Fark and SomethingAwful both happened across the following wonderful picture of Hillary Clinton mid-, well, something: Hilarity (or is that “Hillaryarity”?) ensued. OBLIGATORY FARK/SA WARNING: Juvenile content, cursing and all manner of inappropriate imagery abound in the above-linked PS threads. There are gems amongst the slop, however, to violently mix metaphors.…