Tag: John-McCain

  • Cybernetic Change We Can Believe In

    We’ve already noted the overt visual similarities between John McCain and Saul Tigh, but this weekend’s All-Sarah-Palin-All-The-Time Media Circus caused several observant bloggers (whose names/URLs I’ve unfortunately Cmd+W’d and thus are lost to the ether) to note a not dissimilar look between Laura Roslin and Sarah Palin. This, of course, forced me to roll out…

  • Think A Happy Thought

    I’ve made no bones about my general dislike for John “Maverick” McCain nor my sore disappointment at his ascendancy to the GOP presidential ticket. However, I believe that I have found my Peter-Pan-flying-happy-thought/Harry-Potter-produce-a-patronus-thought concept that will allow me to pull the lever for McCain this November. Well, to be truthful, it’s two thoughts. First off,…

  • Vide-O-Rama

    Posting has been sparse — I’ve been busy, busy, busy at Ye Olde Shoppe Of Employment[e] and engaging in family-related matters and thus have had precious little time for blog-related silliness. I haven’t been so busy as to miss out on some of the excellent entertainment the Internet is known to (occasionally) yield, so please…

  • “We’ve Replaced His John McCain With Some Fred Thompson. Let’s See If He Notices.”

    So I have my problems with the Honorable Gentleman from Arizona — amnesty, Gang of 14, class warfare rhetoric in opposing Bush’s tax cuts, Gitmo idiocy, that execrable McCain-Feingold, etc. — but something strange is afoot. See, I somehow got onto his direct email list and some rather funny things have been slipping through the…

  • Other April TomFoolery

    John McCain’s campaign gets into the act: BBC has a go: Lala and Dr. Tiki (of Tiki Bar TV fame) play on gawkers’ Lala fanbois’/Internet voyeuers’ desires:

  • That’s Just About The Size Of It

    On my commute home this evening, I noted a car ahead of me bearing a very well-worn Fred Thompson 2008 campaign sticker in the lower-left of their rear window. Tucked in next to the Fred! sticker was a far shinier, far newer Mitt Romney 2008 sticker. Now, if only the owner would post a “Soul-Crushing…

  • Thompson Giuliani Romney Or Bust.

    I’ve continuously bemoaned John McCain’s frontrunner status in the GOP primary race and have held forth with friends and family as to just what bothers me about Ol’ Straight-Talkin’ John. Rather than repeat myself, though, I’ll let Mark Levin’s editorial at NRO do my talking for me. Let’s get the largely unspoken part of this…

  • I’m Unsure As To The Cultural Significance Of Any Of This (Or: Obama Is A Cylon)

    UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers. Please note that we’re proudly running WordPress, despite Prof. Reynolds’ unkind words about it. *grin* (Surviving the Instalanche thanks entirely to Donncha’s excellent WP Super Cache plugin) Aron and I have long noted that Battlestar Galactica‘s Colonel Tigh (played by Michael Hogan) bears a more-than-striking resemblance to one Senator John McCain,…

  • Ouch. Very Ouch, Baby.

    Tammy Bruce really let John McCain have it today. From “John McCain Thinks Americans Are French”: Let me be blunt. McCain is a self-serving, opportunistic pig. He, like other open-borders, Americans-Are-Lazy politicians, is a man who has grown soft and fat and elitist in Washington, DC, and has developed an obvious contempt for the average…