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This Is The Christmas Lights Display You WISH You Could Have

The following link could quite be, and I’m not in any way joking or exaggerating, the single greatest achievement of Mankind in the history of Time itself. Click and stand in Trans-Siberian awe.


One response to “This Is The Christmas Lights Display You WISH You Could Have”

  1. […] November 23, 2005 15:55 This Is The Christmas Lights Display You WISH You Could Have The following link could quite be, and I’m not in any way joking or exaggerating, the single greatest achievement of Mankind in the history of Time itself. Click and stand in Trans-Siberian awe. Categories: Stories from our regional web – Philly blog headlines 12:52 Attack Of The 50 Foot Baby Me boy’s one month birthday passed last Thursday without note in this space, so I thought I’d note it now. William is almost 5 weeks old now and growing like gangbusters, truth be told. He came into this world at 9 lbs. 11 oz., which is no mean feat, let me tell you. […] Categories: Stories from our regional web – Philly blog headlines […]