Tag: Asides

  • Duuuuuude, Spam?

    So, spammers, what’s the deal with trying to spam my blog with “head shop” junk? Bongs, pipes, etc.? E.D. drugs and grass seed too good for you? Y’all have problems. Seriously.

  • A Random Act Of Factiness

    I am apparently genetically predisposed towards an inability to spell “caricature” without the aid and comfort of a nearby dictionary. My mind practically screams “There’s got to be an ‘H’ in there somewhere!” Bonus Orthogonal Observation: I am unsure as to why comment spammers suddenly think including the word “urine” in their attempts to make…

  • Dear Abby…

    A brief question, dear readers: What, precisely, is the proper workplace restroom response to a coworker who, by all appearances, is talking to his toilet bowl, other than fleeing the scene at top speed? Follow-up question: What is the proper response when encountering said coworker in the hallway later in the day? (Note that he…

  • Pawns On A Roller Coaster

    ChessCoaster: Like Snakes on a Plane, only far, far geekier. Brilliant. Just brilliant.

  • Is It Too Late To Change My Major?

    1) I didn’t realize that there’s such a thing as “explosives engineering” 2) I didn’t realize that some universities offer minors in said engineering field 3) I didn’t realize that one of those unis has an explosives summer camp, which is more boom-y than regular camp, I’ll wager.

  • Greetings

    Maxin’ and relaxin’ on the beach, hence posting is likely to be light, light, light. Nobody touch nuthin’ while I’m gone.

  • There Are Some Things One Cannot Debate

    For instance, this is the single best video of a squirrel slingshot you are likely to see. Ever.

  • Looks Like We’ll Never Need Another Timmy

    I read with a good deal of sadness that Mr. Wizard died yesterday morning. For all of you youngsters, he was like Beakman or Bill Nye, oldschool-style. His experiments were decidedly a low-fi sort of affair, but they were entertaining and engaging. I’m sure he’s responsible for just as many engineers as James Doohan. A…

  • Those Crafty, CRAFTY Mouseketeers!

    Ever wonder how Walt Disney World stays so clean, so spic-and-span? Turns out it’s actually built on top of enormous tunnels that whisk away garbage, convey employees to their destinations, deliver supplies to vendors and offer employees a respite from the Florida sun, all out of the view of the prying eyes of guests. Nifty.

  • Truly, There’s Nothing New Under The Sun, Nor In Hollywood

    Harry Potter and Luke Skywalker: separated at birth? Plus, Cracked.com offers the top 12 suspiciously similar movies of recent vintage. I link, you decide.