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…And With That, The Experiment Has Concluded

del.icio.us logoFor those of you paying attention, you will readily recall my decision to attempt to aggregate my daily intake of stories in a single post using a nifty tool provided by del.icio.us. I’m hereby announcing my intention to throw in the towel and declare the whole thing a Miserable Failure. I don’t know about anyone else, but I was annoyed by the posts it produced. They were ugly, uninformative, visually similar and uninteresting and, worst of all, boring. I’d like to think that my posts, however infrequently they’re actually produced, are far more interesting and engaging than the lists this tool produced.
I’ll work something out, perhaps using the del.icio.us bookmark feed or something similar, in my footer or sidebar, but for the moment, I consider the auto-posting of links to be a losing proposition all-around.


2 responses to “…And With That, The Experiment Has Concluded”

  1. I agree. There was too much information and not enough content… if that makes any sense.

  2. That actually makes perfect sense – it sums up my feelings exactly, and in a far more concise and readable fashion. *grin*