Tag: Blogging

  • Duuuuuude, Spam?

    So, spammers, what’s the deal with trying to spam my blog with “head shop” junk? Bongs, pipes, etc.? E.D. drugs and grass seed too good for you? Y’all have problems. Seriously.

  • DreamHost-Related Site Weirdness

    If you’ve been having difficulty reaching this site over the past few days (I know that I have, for one…), there appears to be two very good reasons: DreamHost (my hosting provider) has been having ARP issues as well as related DNS problems. It’s at times like this that I really appreciate how DreamHost handles…

  • An Incredible View Of Downtown Philadelphia

    A few lucky private citizens were lucky enough to be invited to take a tour of the still-under-construction Comcast Center in Center City Philadelphia. One enterprising blogger amongst the crowd documented the trip in pictorial form (the above panorama is an image from the 55th story). There are some incredible shots amongst the ones he…

  • A Very Merry Unbirthday To Me

    Work has been a little on the crazy side as of late, so my 5th anniversary of blogging (which was yesterday) passed by unnoticed. Mind you, it’s not the 5th anniversary of Literal Barrage, whose existence traces to sometime after the run-up to the ’03 invasion of Iraq, but rather the anniversary of my first…

  • There Oughtta Be A Law

    That is, there ought to be a law that allows for the sound public whippings of online stalkers by those affected/aggreived. As other commenters noted, common sense would allow for Jeff to set upon his stalker (who has threatened his family, particularly his 3 year old son and continues to try to reveal personal information…

  • I Get The Most Interesting Blogspam

    I’ll say this much for the comment spammers: they certainly seem to be interested in at least entertaining me in their constant attempts to hawk their tawdry wares using my site and bandwidth. For instance, I received this one from “Anna”. It starts out sounding relatively innocent: Hello, my name is Anna! As you can…

  • Blogslacking (Or, As I Like To Call It, “Doing Real Work”)

    I’ve been very busy here at WWDC these past two days and thus haven’t really had time to post much. Classes have been interesting and mostly useful. I got a chance to go out and see Ocean’s 13 the other night. My one sentence review: sappy, sentimental, a bit contrived, not much suspense, worse than…

  • WWDC bbPress Meetup Wrap-Up

    I arrived a bit late to the Meetup last night due to the walk being quite a bit… longer than I expected. No matter — San Fran was lovely and temperate last night and I definitely got to know the downtown shopping district a bit better due to the walking “tour” I conducted. I joined…

  • Airport Blogging

    I’m sitting in PHL waiting for my flight to arrive and ferry me off to Apple’s WWDC ’07 and must admit to a good deal of excitement. Not only am I going to get to attend my first Stevenote (one that should include iPhone and Leopard info aplenty) but, as Matt Mullenweg mentioned, I’ll be…

  • Potential Weirdness Inbound

    A small programming note for my dedicated readers: I just moved this blog over to WordPress version 2.2 since the version I was running (2.1.3) was vulnerable to a rather nasty cross-site scripting vulnerability. If you notice that anything is missing (images, pages, etc.) or anything that throws errors, please go ahead and drop me…