Tag: WordPress

  • Stuff I Learned On The Internet[s], Recent History Edition

    People approach me and say “Doug, we haven’t seen you post recently. What have you been learning on the Internet these last two weeks that you haven’t been posting?”* I learned that Matt Mullenweg started WordPress partially of a desire to help out his church. I learned that one does not mess with Finns named…

  • WordPress 2.5 Is Out

    WP 2.5 has been released. I’m going to move LB.org over to it as soon as possible, so there may be some downtime some time in the very near future. Stay tuned.

  • Meagre Offerings

    Busy, busy, busy am I. Thus, amuse yourself with the following parody of Nintendo’s forthcoming “Wii Fit” product: Also take note of the Toribash v. 3 trailer:

  • A Bountiful Link-Filled Catch-Up

    I am fully cognizant of my delinquent blogging — apologies all around. I’ve been in full recovery mode since taking the redeye from SFO to PHL on Friday night. Short observations on that flight? Sucked like a brand-new Dyson 07 with the full pet hair kit. Stupid US Airways. In exchange for my previous silence,…

  • Airport Blogging

    I’m sitting in PHL waiting for my flight to arrive and ferry me off to Apple’s WWDC ’07 and must admit to a good deal of excitement. Not only am I going to get to attend my first Stevenote (one that should include iPhone and Leopard info aplenty) but, as Matt Mullenweg mentioned, I’ll be…

  • Super Link Fighter II: Ultra Hyper Mega Championship Tab Dump Edition

    My browsers on each and every machine I have access to have been collecting open tabs like some hideously geeky HTTP-fueled version of Garbage Pail Kids/M.U.S.C.L.E. figurines/Pogs/[insert some other non-Pokemon hackneyed pop cultural reference here] and so, in order to unburden myself fully, I offer the following compendium of links. Consider it some sort of…

  • A Theme Tip For WordPress Theme Authors

    NOTE: This tutorial is old and out of date and predates much of what is now state-of-the-art in the WordPress world. Instead of pursuing this method, check out One Design’s How to Create a WordPress Theme Options Page for an up-to-date take on creating theme options pages. I’ve removed the downloadable .zip file containing my…

  • Descartes, De Horses And Jumping The Gun

    It looks as though I may have spoken too soon yesterday. Owen has posted his thoughts on the [dis]continuation of the Philly WordPress Meetup — I probably should have solicited his honest opinions before posting as I did. I can definitely sympathize with Owen’s concerns — it stinks to be coming in from out at…

  • A Call To Philadelphia WordPressers

    Those of you that have attended Philadelphia WordPress Meetups in the past were probably notified by the folks over at Meetup that Owen Winkler has stepped down as the Philly WP organizer. This makes a good deal of sense, seeing as he has moved the bulk of his efforts over to Habari these days and…

  • ‘Scuse The Mess

    I took the plunge and upgraded Literal Barrage to WordPress 2.1 on Thursday/Friday. I’ve been slowly picking away at the transition, re-enabling plugins, moving old artwork, etc. over. I know there are a bunch of things that still don’t work correctly: contact form, archives and a lot of my old images among them. If you…