Tag: Andy Ihnatko

  • Oooh! Oooh! Pick Me! Pick Me!

    The [in]famous (to those listening to TWiT podcasts, at least) Andy Ihnatko and Scott Bourne have started up a new Q&A-style website known as “Managing Your Digital Life” or MYDL.me and, in a fit of generosity, are giving away not one, but two Drobos to some random, lucky souls, all for the paltry entry fee…

  • It’s Friday, You Ain’t Got No Job, You Ain’t Got No Money

    …But you sure-as-heck have stuff to do, namely: check these links! Foo! All you Philly area WordPressers take note: Matt Mullenweg will be in town next week and attending a meetup on Thursday. Grab a stool and swing by (well, not in that order necessarily…). Quaker Oats: Scottish Edition, possessors of the finest box logo…

  • My Friend Flickr

    If you’re looking for something to while away a Wednesday afternoon, you could do far worse than the following photosets on Flickr: Understanding art for geeks and Andy Ihnatko’s awesome behind-the-scenes tour of Alcatraz. Well worth your time, both of ’em.