Tag: iPhone

  • “Movin’ On Up”, As Performed By Two White Boys, A Guitar And An iPhone

    Truly, we are living in the end of days.

  • I Was Saying “Boo, Urns!”

    I don’t know if you were paying attention to technology news today, but Apple held a little keynote address at their yearly Macworld Expo at which Steve Jobs announced the MacBook Air, a pretty freakin’ cool piece of ultra-lightweight mobile computing technology. He also announced a free firmware update for the iPhone which adds triangulation…

  • This Town Needs An Enema

    Those that know me best know that I am no fan of Philadelphia Mayor John Street’s persona, politics or ethics, but I must object to the current “mini-scandal” brewing as just plain stupid. Here’s the situation: John Street (D, Philadelphia) is a bit of a gadget hound. He wanted an iPhone and so decided to…

  • I Wish I Had $600 “Revolutionary” Dollars To Spend On The “Revolutionary” iPhone

    I know that Apple always does things a bit differently than their competitors, but the 20 minute iPhone tour they posted today should simultaneously put every single other cell phone company 1) on notice and 2) to shame. Can you imagine how different people’s experiences with Treos, Qs and Pearls would be if Palm, Motorola…

  • iPhooooooooooooooonnne!

    I officially retract my previous iPhone fanboi status, as Apple officially announced today that their next-generation Macintosh operating system Leopard will be delayed until October and the iPhone is solely to blame. Apparently, Apple’s best and brightest engineers had to be shifted to the iPhone division in order to ensure that the $600/unit iPhone ships…

  • Apple Stole My Thunder, Gol-Durnit!

    I had a nice post all ready to go this morning in which I lambasted cell phone makers for their current lineup, ready to compare the offerings to those in the sports shoes market: flashy, ugly and without enough compelling features to cause me to overlook said flugliness. Then, Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone live…