Tag: Politics

  • I’m Living In The Wrong State

    Evidence just keeps cropping up that my wife is right and I simply need to bite the bullet and move to Texas. It’s culturally, legally and politically far more amenable to those of my particular persuasions. For example, the state legislature sees the idiocy that is speeding cameras and reacts accordingly: [T]he Lonestar State will…

  • Bestest Fark Thread Evar

    We’ve previously discussed the lolcats Internet meme briefly here before, so I won’t go into its origins at the moment (citations for the development of said meme/macro/fad/”kitty pidgin” available here, here, here, here, here and here, if you’re interested). However, I simply must point out the following “lolpresidents” thread over on Fark that has some…

  • Amnesty Idiocy

    The latest likely-to-get-signed-by-The-Decider-in-Chief border “reform” package looks likely to pass the House and Senate, a proposition that has conservatives and many libertarians hopping mad. Lest we be too quick to judge our Congresscritters, though, Rick Moran points out that we should have sympathy for them, since we’re dealing with a whole other species: Reading and…

  • Tab Dump, Video Edition

    Yesterday felt so cleansing, so freeing that I figured I would continue the practice until I am (nearly) tab free. Today’s tab dump contains a surfeit of videos, so, you know, less reading. First up, “Canon in Dork”:

  • Marxist Turbines: The New Jersey Toll Roads And You!

    I’m actually surprised nobrainer hasn’t commented on this story as of yet — seems like it’d be right up his alley. Anyways, here goes: some moron idiot charlatan high school dropout enterprising inventor has proposed placing wind turbines along New Jersey highways in order to “harvest” the “wind energy” generated by traffic and funnel it…

  • Oh, 9/11 “Truthers”, Purveyors Of Endless Comedy And Inspiration For View-Co-Host-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named

    That expressway tanker truck fire in Oakland the other day seems to have driven the 9/11 conspiracy nuts“truthers” well, to distraction, shall we say. The Fark thread commenting upon the affair (see Panicky 9/11 truth nutjobs debate Oakland gas tanker incident, see their WTC conspiracy theories collapse as quickly as that highway did) is absolutely…

  • Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones, But Op-Ed Pieces Sure Can Leave A Mark

    I happened across a few opinion pieces over the last day or two that give lie to the old adage about “words can never hurt me”. If these opinion pieces are any indication, words certainly can sting, I tell you what. First up is a piece by Alan Dershowitz that completely decimates Jimmy Carter (“History’s…

  • Run From Teh Hillary!

    The Photoshop goons at Fark and SomethingAwful both happened across the following wonderful picture of Hillary Clinton mid-, well, something: Hilarity (or is that “Hillaryarity”?) ensued. OBLIGATORY FARK/SA WARNING: Juvenile content, cursing and all manner of inappropriate imagery abound in the above-linked PS threads. There are gems amongst the slop, however, to violently mix metaphors.…

  • Conspiracies, Man, Conspiracies!

    Several disturbing conspiracies have come to light recently and I just can’t keep quiet about them any more. First up is the Great Shrinking Cadbury Creme Egg conspiracy, as pointed out by noted researcher and comedian B.J. Novak: I knew something was up when Cadbury, that most English of companies, was gobbled up by a…

  • Well, There Goes My Support For Giuliani

    I have been wrestling with whether I could support Rudy Giuliani in the upcoming GOP Presidential primaries and had decided that I could most likely hold my nose and vote for him based upon his Basically Right stances on most issues, but then he had to go and restate his 1989 position that abortion is…