Tag: Twitter

  • Twitter Ain’t Therapy*

    *Or at least it shouldn’t be used as such Due to this straightforward way of thinking, ENTJs tend to have the greatest difficulty of all the types in applying subjective considerations and emotional values into the decision-making process. -From the Wikipedia article on ENTJs I’ll be up front: I’m an ENTJ. Anyone who has ever…

  • Sweep The Sleaze

    I came across this article over on iA (via @gruber, I think), and was really struck by its thesis, namely: Promising to make you look wired and magically promote your content in social networks, the Like, Retweet, and +1 buttons occupy a good spot on pretty much every page of the World Wide Web. Because…

  • More Google Wave Invites

    I’ve run through the winners from the last round of Wave invites and was pleased to note that I received a slew of new ones in my Inbox this morning. I’ve sent out the invites for folks who were left over from that round, so we can consider that particular contest closed. (The answer was…

  • Google Wave Invites

    I just recently wrangled my way onto Google Wave and, well, there’s not a whole lot of folks to talk with as of yet, since invites are so scarce. However, I’ve a total of four Wave invites sitting in my Inbox, waiting for disbursal. So, the first four people that either follow me on Twitter…

  • Tweet Fulfillment

    There are days that I’m amazed by the Internet, and then there are days that it lives downup to my expectations. Take, for instance, a recent Tweet of mine in which I pondered I was quickly answered by Stephane, who pointed out the wonderfully-implemented and -documented iPod Shuffle RAID0 array. A few days thereafter, Slashdot…

  • New Stuff For The New Year

    A very happy New Year to all my readers (you know who you three are… *grin*). I hope yours was a good celebration — ours was spent with friends who left early (but not before I addicted them to the Wii) and then Dick Clark, as per tradition. I admire the man for his fortitude…