Site Comings And Goings

Good news, everyone!
With the host switch complete, I decided that it might be a good time to start sharing the wealth, as it were. I went from a hard limit of 1GB of files and 70GB of transfer/month on The Host That Shall Not Be Named to 4.8GB of storage and 120GB of transfer/month with disk space increasing automatically by 40MB per week and transfer increasing by 1GB per week(!) with Dreamhost. Pretty sweet.
As such, I offered several friends the opportunity to start their own blogs here. I convinced Brad to move off of Blogspot (completion of that transaction pending) and have two Andy’s ready to go. Brad’s new blog (Agent Orange Relocated) is available at and Andy H.’s blog (Muy Caliente!) is available at Andy W. hasn’t picked a name yet, but once he does, I’ll be setting him up.
All of their sites (as well as my own personal test blog) are running the latest nightlies from the WordPress 1.6 dev Subversion tree. 1.6 is shaping up to be pretty slick and I was amazed at how easy they’ve made importing your old posts from other blogging systems. The Blogger import, in particular, impressed me greatly. With little more than a username and password prompt and a couple of mouse clicks, I was able to suck down all of Brad’s Blogspot content, all in a matter of around 5 minutes. Very cool.
I’ll be adding things to the roots of both and soon, pending a content management system decision on my part. I’m leaning towards Joomla, although that might be a bit heavyweight for my purposes. In any event, watch this space for further updates in the days and weeks to come.
Oh, and still no baby.


Husband & father with youngins; Presbyterian; Will devops for boardgames; Dadjoke Enthusiast; Longtime WordPress user; The failure mode of “clever” is...

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