Tag: Brad

  • WoW, That’s A Lot Of Analysis

    Brad and AndyII almost, almost have me convinced to join them in World of Warcraft for a free hittrial, but thankfully, this in-depth analysis of job security in WoW was there to, you know, give me a great deal of pause at the thought.

  • Whopping, Hearty Congratulations Are In Order

    My best buddy Brad and his wife just gave birth to their first child, Kate Emerson, yesterday evening. Momma and baby are doing well by all accounts. I have no firsthand accounts of Brad’s behavior, but I’m willing to bet he’s tickled pink. Drop by and leave him your compliments.

  • Bah, Says I

    As Andy(I) helpfully pointed out, this past weekend was host to this year’s incarnation of the historical rivalry between Lehigh University and Lafayette College. Unfortunately, Lehigh snatched defeat from the jaws of victory yet again, making them losers in 3 out of the last 4 contests against the hated LepersLeopards. Coach Higgins, come back! The…

  • Site Comings And Goings

    Good news, everyone! With the host switch complete, I decided that it might be a good time to start sharing the wealth, as it were. I went from a hard limit of 1GB of files and 70GB of transfer/month on The Host That Shall Not Be Named to 4.8GB of storage and 120GB of transfer/month…

  • First Quake 4 Reviews Hit The ‘Net

    PC.IGN has posted their review of Quake 4, giving it an 8.2/10.0, which is actually a pretty decent score. It appears that, after the multiplayer-only diversion that was Quake 3, the team at Raven (id subcontracted Q4 out to them) focused almost solely on the singleplayer portion of the game, leaving the multiplayer portion behind.…