Windows Admins, Feel Hal’s Pain
‘Cause I know I certainly have: Why, Steve? Why? Heh. (And yes, I know it’s a Symantec ad, but it’s still true and it’s still funny…)
‘Cause I know I certainly have: Why, Steve? Why? Heh. (And yes, I know it’s a Symantec ad, but it’s still true and it’s still funny…)
Those in my readership familiar with ska of a mid-to-late-90’s vintage (Vinny, Andies One and II, Brad, I’m looking in your directions) are no doubt (hah!) able to recognize the works of Less Than Jake. One of their seminal albums,…
Looks like the whole Cable Guy thing is quite the affectation: The producers of all the “Blue Collar…” stuff should’ve just given Ron White and Bill Engvall 1.5x their time and left Lawrence the T-1 Connection Guy off the bill…
Heh. Church Hopping presents Ten Verses Never Preached On. Onan, males’ naughty bits and Ehud the Left-Handed Swordsman all make appearances. (I love that Ehud cat. Used to have an old K6 Linux box named ‘ehud’…)
Ben Gray is right: “Tony vs. Paul” is yet another stellar reason to pay an ISP money on a monthly basis. Heh.
Well, no reason other than the fact that he cropped back up on Fark and elicited a private chuckle from me. Heh. Priceless.
“Sheikhs on a Plane” -James Taranto in last Wednesday’s Best of the Web in reference to six Muslim clerics removed from a US Airways flight in Minneapolis due to other passengers’ concerns Heh.
Cathy Young, commenting on a New York Times piece concerning the rise of “fat studies” (like “women’s studies”, “gay studies”, etc.) on campus, notes the idiocy of such a pursuit in devastating fashion: Maybe the next frontier in the academic…
In the wake of the release of Nintendo’s Wii console this past Sunday, has helpfully compiled a list of potential Wii-related injuries (or “Wiinjuries”, as they refer to them) including, but not limited to: strangulation, tennis elbow, “nunchukery” and…
On most mornings, my wife and I bring William in to our bed after his morning feeding to wake up slowly. Recently, he has taken to engaging in what can only be described as “pillow wrestling”: he wraps our pillows…