Category Humor

Die, Invertebrate Scum!

I’ve no idea what I ever did to them to deserve such treatment, but apparently my house is now officially under siege by a massive wave of tiny millipedes. The creepy crawly monsters attacks are twofold. They: Skitter across the…

Random Geeky IM Conversation With Brad

ZaMoose610: speaking of BT, Friday’s BSG is almost done being pulled down… Incubus188: I am watching it right now Incubus188: DL’d Stargates and Battlestar last night ZaMoose610: what a great show Incubus188: yeah Incubus188: Lauren laughs at me when I…

“Long Time Ago In The Faraway Galaxy”

If you thought George Lucas’ dreadful dialog in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith couldn’t get any worse, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Witness the unintentionally hilarious effects of running the script through a translation from English to…

Islamists Vs. Python

Citizen Smash lays into the 14th century ideology of the Islamist nutjobs, Monty Python-style. ‘Course, it’d be a heck of a lot funnier if they weren’t actually trying to kill us. I guess the Romans probably weren’t a very funny…

Public Service Announcement

When preparing lunches for the day, it is inadvisable to attempt to catch any items that one happens to drop (perhaps a large bag of carrots, for instance) using only one hand and the remainder of one’s body to trap…