Category Technology


I’d heard quite a few good things about the Debian-derived Ubuntu Linux distribution, so I decided to give it a spin. We downloaded the PowerPC Live CD here at work as a test of our newly-enabled 4.5Mbps ISP drop and…

Alright, Chuckleheads…

…And by “chuckleheads”, I mean the good-for-nothing comment and trackback spammers, do you not see the “Spam Karma” stats down at the lower-right of my site? That means that each and every bloody one of your inane attempts to increase…

More PlayStation 3 News

Ken Kutaragi uttered some words in a recent interview translated over at Gamespot that went a long way towards quickening the pulse of this PlayStation/Linux geek: Impress PC Watch: The PlayStation 3 has some extremely high specifications, but it doesn’t…

Ahh, Technology!

I knew that the PS3 was going to be a technological marvel, but who knew it was going to be so multifunctional? Heh. Looks like Kutaragi-san has really been beefing up for the forthcoming round of The Console Wars (duh-duh-duuuhhhhhhm!).