Category Videos

Supah Happy Fun Tiemuh!

Can there be anything that exceeds the brilliance of a gameshow based upon human tetris? I think not! Why don’t we import gameshows like this or MXC instead of crappy “Who Wants To Outsmart A 40 Year Old Millionaire Weakest…

Videos Out The Yin-Yang

My in-laws have been in town for about the past week, so I’ve been a bit limited in terms of how much time I can get on the ol’ Lappy 486, and for this, I apologize. What follows is a…

Mee-su Bah-stahhs

So I guess this is what passes for Mythbusters in Japan (nice use of Matrix music, by the way): Frames of reference are fun! [Yes, but what happens if a jet plane tries to take off from a moving conveyor…

Friday Video Dump

Presented with limited commercial interruption by Chevrolet, Ponds, the Freemasons and Oxy Clean. Never again shall you need a wangchip clip: The F-22 kicks so much butt, NASA is actually looking into extraterrestrial sources in order to keep it in…

Penny Arcade Game Trailer

The guys over at Penny Arcade have been working to bring Tycho and Gabe to “life” in an action-adventure game known as “On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness” and the preliminary trailer is a hoot: It will ostensibly run on…