Category: Videos

  • Things To Watch Out For When Playing With Your Wii

    In the wake of the release of Nintendo’s Wii console this past Sunday, has helpfully compiled a list of potential Wii-related injuries (or “Wiinjuries”, as they refer to them) including, but not limited to: strangulation, tennis elbow, “nunchukery” and cancer. Heh. The pictures that accompany the article are worth the price of admission alone.

  • New “Ask A Ninja”

    After an all-too-long hiatus (with no news as to what was going on), The Ninja has posted a new episode concerning the ninja recreational sport of choice: Niniature Golf”. Go. Watch.

  • Are We… Baddies?

    Hooray, for YouTube! It brings The Funny right to my virtual doorstep, copyright infringement be darned! From That Mitchell and Webb Look. Ahhh, the Brits, always ready with the humo[u]r-making.

  • Team Fortress 2: In-Game Footage!

    Now this is what I like to see: Dig those crazy rocket jumps and the Spy’s “Predator suit”. Boy oh boy! “Spring 2007” just can’t come soon enough.

  • Phriday Video Phun

    Presented for your enjoyment: Counter Struck: Counter-Strike meets the real world. Heh. Those lucky British Microsoft sods – they got Ricky Gervais (of The Office fame) to do employee training videos for ’em. Brilliant. (Profanity warning: you know those Brits and their saucy tongues. A few NSFW words/topics are discussed in those vids.) Bob Casey,…

  • Friday Link Dump, July 7th, 2006

    I’m thinking I may make this a regular feature, as it helps me get the links on the virtual page and off my tab bar. Links The 10 Commandments of Cell Phone Etiquette. Sounds like a good start to me. Top 20 Blog Designs, plus Part Two of the series, making it the Top 40,…

  • Friday Link Dump

    Okay, time to toss out all the nifty links that I stumbled over in the past week but never really made it to “full post” status. Enjoy. Vids Kinetic destruction visited upon an old Toyota, rubber band-style. Robin Williams guest-starred on “Who’s Line Is It, Anyway?”. Witness the hilarity. Do not, under any circumstances, take…