Tag: digg

  • Happy Thorstag Omibus!

    It’s that time again — time to sum up a few days’ worth of browsing in a single, massive post. Richard Scarry 1963 vs. Richard Scarry 1991, a study in the P.C. Police. Oops. Somebody’s getting fired, so fired: A less than… glowing review of Halo 3, featuring a wicked Australian accent and a healthy…

  • The Proper Care And Feeding Of Fools, Internet Edition

    Or: Idiotically digging Your Community’s Grave A “minor” rebellion over at digg yesterday has simply reinforced my perception that the comments section of said news aggregator is filled with either a) 14-year-old males with little-to-no understanding of the real world or b) grown men acting like 14-year-olds, petulantly thumbing their collective nose at “The Man”…

  • Beyond Crypto Journalism: MySpace, digg And Trust Engines

    I’ve had time to mull over the implications of my previous post on technological solutions to what ails journalism and have come to the conclusion that a solution based on high technology would ultimately fail for the same reason that PGP-based email encryption has failed to catch on in the world at large: it’s simply…

  • Winning The Battle Of “Iconistan”

    Wired News is currently running a piece regarding the proliferation of “Submit my blog entry to…” buttons that have been cropping up hither and yon on blogs of every stripe. The number and proliferation of said buttons is indeed getting to the ridiculous point and, when bloggers actually post links to even the top few…

  • Digg’s, Errrm, Digs

    Kevin Rose, formerly of TechTV/G4 and cofounder of digg has posted a Flickr photoset comprising a tour of digg’s new office space. *sniff* Almost makes me wish I were back at my old Internet startup. Almost.