Tag: WPhone

  • Kudos For Praized

    Yes, I avoided the “praise for Praized” pun. My buddy Stephane (he of fellow WPhone fame) and his workmates have gone live with their social app, Praized. Think of it as a Web 2.0-ish Angie’s List, with local business/hotspot search and reviews (“Praize”/”Raze”, depending upon your level of Customer Support Mojo™). They’ve got Movable Type…

  • Eating My Own Dogfood (In A Good Way)

    Sorry for the lack of posting. Not only has work been crazy, but I’ve also been burning the minutes on my freshly-received iPod Touch, thanks to Matt Mullenweg and the iPhone contest. WPhone been berry berry good to me. *grin* Oh, did mention that this is my first official post from the Touch? Whee!

  • Drive-By iPhoning

    I’m posting this as I’m headed out the door: A forum user graciously snapped a bunch of interface photos of the WPhone plugin I’ve been working on. I’ve gotta say, it’s looking great — hit our screenshot page if you don’t believe me. The contest ends this coming Monday, with judging to follow shortly thereafter.…