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Ever Have One Of Those “Neo/’Whoa!’” Moments?

James HuangLike, say, for instance, you’re watching Wednesday night’s Lost and you casually note that the ringleader of the gang of Phuket thugs that beat the crap out of Jack just happens to be played by none other than James Huang who was a class ahead of you in school and was your football, wrestling and lacrosse team captain as well as your consistent sparring partner throughout your later wrestling career? No? Just me?
Weird. Still, at least he hasn’t forgotten his roots, as… oh, wait, West Windsor-Plainsboro “South” (Pfeh!) doesn’t even appear in his IMDb bio. Oh well.


2 responses to “Ever Have One Of Those “Neo/’Whoa!’” Moments?”

  1. hey doug.
    i’m smacking you upside the head right now. thanks for the blog. a relative emailed it to me. hope you enjoyed jack’s ass kicking as much as i did!
    james huang