Easter Weekend In Brief
Saturday was an unseasonably warm day, with the highs reaching into the 80’s. There was nary a cloud in the sky for most of the day and a light, pleasant breeze served to keep things from getting too stifling. All…
Saturday was an unseasonably warm day, with the highs reaching into the 80’s. There was nary a cloud in the sky for most of the day and a light, pleasant breeze served to keep things from getting too stifling. All…
Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triumph o’er His foes, He arose a Victor from the dark domain, And He lives forever, with His saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!
As per my yearly ritual, I took today off in honor of Good Friday, which is the second holiest day in the Christian calendar (Easter Sunday being the first). Posting will be light, as I’m spending the day with my…
…But ain’t he just the cutest? Second-best reason to get up in the morning, I tell ya. *grin*
For those of you paying attention, you will readily recall my decision to attempt to aggregate my daily intake of stories in a single post using a nifty tool provided by del.icio.us. I’m hereby announcing my intention to throw in…
Literal Barrage links for 2006-04-12. %nr% links total.
I’ve actually been fairly amused over the media hyperventilating precipitated by the “recent” “revelation” of the Gospel of Judas, a Gnostic text long thought lost to the vagaries of time, unearthed in 1978 and recently released for translation by the…
Literal Barrage links for 2006-04-11. %nr% links total.
Literal Barrage links for 2006-04-10. %nr% links total.
In the past, I’ve plunked links that I’ve thought to be interesting, but not interesting enough to blog about into my WordPress “Drafts” section, which resulted in general chaos in my blog admin section, a situation that I’ve previously sought…