Category: Friends

  • Easter Weekend In Brief

    Saturday was an unseasonably warm day, with the highs reaching into the 80’s. There was nary a cloud in the sky for most of the day and a light, pleasant breeze served to keep things from getting too stifling. All in all, it was the kind of a day that one relishes spending out-of-doors, occupying…

  • Happy Easter

    Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triumph o’er His foes, He arose a Victor from the dark domain, And He lives forever, with His saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!

  • Exciting News

    Excellent news. Aron and Heather welcomed “Spud” into the world today at around 12:30PM EST. He weighed 9 lbs. 2 oz. and measured a hale 22″ long. Name withheld due to Double Secret Probation – I’d imagine Aron will post it to his blog when the time is right. Keep on the lookout for pictures…

  • Hearty Congratulations Are In Order

    Please join me in congratulating AndyOne and his wife on the arrival of their second child, Kaela Morgan. Both she and mother are doing spectacularly by all accounts. Pictures are available at Andy’s blog.

  • Congratulations, Andrew And Liz

    Congratulations are in order for our old Lehigh friends, Andrew and Liz Martin. Monday night, they were blessed by the arrival of Benjamin Thomas at a hearty 8 lbs. 7 oz. and 20.75″. Click over to their Blogspot blog for more photos of young Ben. I know we’re looking forward to meeting him. Congrats, again.

  • ‘Twas A Busy Weekend, Part The First: Philadelphia WordPress Meetup/Blogger Bash

    This past weekend was an absolutely packed one, moreso than a usual weekend in the Stewart household. My wife, son and I arose relatively early on Saturday morning, assembled ourselves and headed over to Aron and Heather’s house. Heather is in her 9th month of pregnancy with “Spud”, as the next-gen has been nicknamed, and,…

  • Snakes, Stones And The Efficacy Of Paedobaptism

    Brad recently pointed out a post on Skippy’s Stack discussing paedobaptism (the baptism of children) which spawned a few comments from Skippy’s readers. Much was said about personal preference and opinion, but there was little Scriptural reference employed in order to back those preferences up. I thought it might be worth delving a bit into…

  • I Am No Longer 18 And Other Observations Prompted By Superbowl Sunday

    In honor of the Superbowl, I was invited to play flag football yesterday afternoon by a few of the guys at my church. I answered with a hearty “Yes!” and grabbed my old football cleats, a pair of sturdy pants and a dumpy long-sleeved t-shirtand headed out to the field where the grand battle was…

  • Add Two More Sites To The Fray

    I’d like you all to join me in welcoming two new bloggers and two new blogs to the Literal Barrage/ family. First off is Expect the Extraordinary, penned by Vinny and Ann. EtE is shaping up to be a great amateur restaurant, wine and spirits review site. Head over there to catch a few of…

  • Tag, I’m It

    Zoinks, I’ve been tagged by Ryan, my Philly-area compatriot (sorry I haven’t been to a Meetup recently. Next one, I promise…). Yeah, I know it’s the blogging equivalent of a non-anonymous chain letter, but hey, it’s fun. As such, my Fours follow: Four jobs I’ve had UNIX Systems administrator Java/C coder Sporting goods megastore employee…