Category General

Freakin’ PennDOT

Hey knuckleheads: If you’re going to close off an entire bridge that many of us use to cross the Delaware on a daily basis, you may want to give people a heads-up so that they don’t have to drive to…

Die, Invertebrate Scum!

I’ve no idea what I ever did to them to deserve such treatment, but apparently my house is now officially under siege by a massive wave of tiny millipedes. The creepy crawly monsters attacks are twofold. They: Skitter across the…

Well, THAT Was Fun.

Who left their car windows down? /me waves his hand Where did a series of massive thunderstorms roll through this afternoon? /South-West New Jersey waves its hand Who sprinted to their car, executed a John Woo-esque dive into the now-sopping…

Islamists Vs. Python

Citizen Smash lays into the 14th century ideology of the Islamist nutjobs, Monty Python-style. ‘Course, it’d be a heck of a lot funnier if they weren’t actually trying to kill us. I guess the Romans probably weren’t a very funny…