Category Observations

O What A Tangled Web…!

I’ve always been slightly creeped out by the larger-than-life posters advertising Joel Osteen’s latest Christian self-help tomes yet couldn’t put a finger on why, exactly. It finally struck me when I was confronted by yet another poster at the train…

Friday Video Catch-Up++

I’ve been sick in addition to working on that super-secret WordPress-related project this week, so posting has been necessarily light. In a ploy to make up for that lack, I present my well-nigh bi-weekly slacker post, comprised primarily of video…

Classless Cheap Shots At Columbia

Columbia University president Lee Bollinger showed himself to be a classless buffoon yesterday, despite pronouncements from some corners of a flawless “rope-a-dope” maneuver. Let’s get a few things straight. First: he (Bollinger) and his University extended the invitation to Mad…

Archduke Ahmadinejad?

Much virtual ink has been spilled over Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s request to visit the site of the World Trade Center during his visit to NYC, though I haven’t seen anyone suggest the following: Ahmadinejad believes in the Hidden 12th Imam whose…

No Respect

I was going to refrain from posting today, out of respect for the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and those that died that day, but I simply can’t let the disgraceful vandalization of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on the eve…

Duuuuuude, Spam?

So, spammers, what’s the deal with trying to spam my blog with “head shop” junk? Bongs, pipes, etc.? E.D. drugs and grass seed too good for you? Y’all have problems. Seriously.