Category: Religion/Morals

  • The Unbearable Whiteness Of Being

    Growing up as the son of a Presbyterian minister had its more interesting moments, I can assure you, but one thing that much of my upbringing lacked was an experience in racially diverse congregations. Presbyterians, not known to be a terribly diverse lot, tend to put the “W” in WASP, in my experience (and lest…

  • Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas, everyone. Hope you and your families had a wonderful day.

  • There’s Some Salacious Stuff In The Bible, I Tell You Whut

    Heh. Church Hopping presents Ten Verses Never Preached On. Onan, males’ naughty bits and Ehud the Left-Handed Swordsman all make appearances. (I love that Ehud cat. Used to have an old K6 Linux box named ‘ehud’…)

  • Headlines I DESPERATELY Wish I’d Thought To Write, Item #23,652

    “Sheikhs on a Plane” -James Taranto in last Wednesday’s Best of the Web in reference to six Muslim clerics removed from a US Airways flight in Minneapolis due to other passengers’ concerns Heh.

  • Someone’s Getting A Fatwa For Christmas

    Imagine my total non-surprise to find out that the man behind Dashboard Mohammed, a bobblheaded version of the now-infamous “bomb turban Mohammed” Danish cartoon, is a former United States Marine (Note to the NY Daily News: There is no such thing as an “ex-“Marine, unless they’ve been disgraced. They’re all “former” Marines.). Guy’s gotta have…

  • A “Gideon” Experience

    I can’t speak in detail about it, but yesterday offered me some clarity and insight into current goings-on in my life. I completely whiffed on an important step in pursuit of an opportunity about which I already had a great deal of ambivalence and so, like Gideon in Judges 7, it’s all on God now.…

  • Providential Timing

    A few weeks ago, an anonymous generous soul decided to liberate our Passat wagon of its driver’s-side rearview mirror. Apparently, its existence was superfluous, so much so that said generous soul neglected to even stop and offer an explanation, so generous was their course of action. I took the wagon in to the VW dealership…

  • Doings And Goings-On

    Things have been busy – very busy – over the last few days, hence my lack of posting. First off, I was officially installed as an elder of my church this past Sunday. I had to give my testimony in brief (read: less than 5 minutes, a real chore, for those of you that know…

  • Lousy Fake Chinese Saying…

    May you live in interesting times. –Supposed ancient Chinese curse “Watching” the events in Lebanon unfold on the newswires, I ran through an extremely odd combination of feelings at work today. I felt detached, almost entirely removed from the world as I watched Israel escalate their offensive against Hizb’allah in the south of Lebanon; I…

  • On To Plan B

    My wife recently read a book outlining a decent spiritual/mental model to help one to deal with the ins and outs of daily life. The model goes as follows: Either the night prior to or the morning of a day (any day, really), mentally lay out and pray over your plans for the day, asking…