Search results for: “NPR”

  • NPR Is Going To LOVE The New Pope

    [/sarcasm off] I’m actually a bit shocked that the College of Cardinals selected Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany (Pope Benedict XVI, from now on) so quickly. I think it bodes well for the future of the Catholic church, though, that they were able to build a consensus in short order. I’m in for a fun…

  • Style Book Note For NPR

    I swear by all that is sacred and holy that if I hear one more correspondent say “innoggurrul” instead of the correct “innogyural“, I’m going to come down there and whip someone into submission with a very attractive tote bag and a commemorative mug. UPDATE: Shazbot! Sean Hannity just said it the same way! That’s…

  • While We’re On The Subject Of NPR

    NPR’s coverage of the tsunami aftermath has been increasingly getting on my nerves. Not only do they seem to be executing a full court press ala FoxNews’ wall-to-wall Peterson coverage, but more and more of their reporting has been extremely sympathetic to the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka. While I appreciate the fact that the…

  • Think A Happy Thought

    I’ve made no bones about my general dislike for John “Maverick” McCain nor my sore disappointment at his ascendancy to the GOP presidential ticket. However, I believe that I have found my Peter-Pan-flying-happy-thought/Harry-Potter-produce-a-patronus-thought concept that will allow me to pull the lever for McCain this November. Well, to be truthful, it’s two thoughts. First off,…

  • I’m Unsure As To The Cultural Significance Of Any Of This (Or: Obama Is A Cylon)

    UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers. Please note that we’re proudly running WordPress, despite Prof. Reynolds’ unkind words about it. *grin* (Surviving the Instalanche thanks entirely to Donncha’s excellent WP Super Cache plugin) Aron and I have long noted that Battlestar Galactica‘s Colonel Tigh (played by Michael Hogan) bears a more-than-striking resemblance to one Senator John McCain,…

  • Let’s Get This Post Off The Table, Shall We?

    Y’all know the routine: every once in a while (read: more than strictly necessary), I get a whole mess of links just sitting there in my browser, asking to be posted. So, let’s get to the linkage, shall we? First off, it’s simply not fair to have so much awesome being used up by the…

  • “SAT Words”

    I used to be regularly derided by friends and acquaintances of all stripe for my use of “SAT words”, generally defined as words that do not see regular use in the populace at large and thus achieve a “nerdy” gloss. In fact, so distinct is my proclivity towards these sorts of words that they were…

  • Tab Dump, Video Edition

    Yesterday felt so cleansing, so freeing that I figured I would continue the practice until I am (nearly) tab free. Today’s tab dump contains a surfeit of videos, so, you know, less reading. First up, “Canon in Dork”:

  • Dell: We’ll Sell You Ugly Servers, Unless You Pay Us Not To

    Dell used to pride themselves on shipping, if not “pretty” servers, then at least non-ugly ones. They’re well-known for their steely-grey faceplates which over the years have served well to obscure the patent ugliness of multiple drive bays, optical disk bays, power buttons and other assorted server miscellania. We recently ordered a couple of PowerEdge…

  • My…Head…Asplode

    (Yes, that was a Strong Bad reference). I was about to have a coronary on my commute in this morning, as I had made the classic mistake of tuning in to NPR in lieu of the cruder-yet-somehow-more-morally-uplifting fare peddled by the Preston & Steve Show over on WMMR. Much Serious Discussion was in the offing…