Tag: Elbee Elgee

  • Effective Immediately: I’m Closing My Ill-Used Spam-Attracting Forums That Barely Serve A Vestigial Purpose At This Point

    Effective Immediately: I’m Closing My Ill-Used Spam-Attracting Forums That Barely Serve A Vestigial Purpose At This Point

    Essentially: it does what it says on the tin. My bbPress forums were a) Magnets for spammers of every *dol, Cia*, Dolc*gab* and Ho*ref*nance 2) CPU chewers for little payoff D) Not really used by y’all or me* So, in short, I’m deactivating them and shall breathe a sigh of relief. If you’ve comments related…

  • Elbee Elgee Version 1.3/1.3.1 Aka “The Tabbed One”

    After a healthy delay, I’ve released Elbee Elgee 1.3 to the Dot Org Theme Repository. I’ve added a few things worth noting. Tabbed Admin Options The first change that I’m rather proud of is the inclusion of tabbed admin interface elements. While the code powering this setup could use some optimization and simplification, this tabbed…

  • Announcing: Elbee Elgee

    Announcing: Elbee Elgee

    I’m excited to announce the first public release of my oft-delayed theme, Elbee Elgee. It’s available right now over at its page on WordPress.org. I’ve been working on this for the better part of the last few years, picking at the code here and there but never with any real drive towards a release. Why…

  • Apologies For The Virtual Mess

    Regular readers will no doubt have noticed that this site is undergoing some visual changes. I had grown tired of the old look and thus am undertaking a bit of a rehabbing. There are all sorts of nits to fix (the archives page doesn’t work correctly, for instance) and I felt that I needed some…

  • A Theme Tip For WordPress Theme Authors

    NOTE: This tutorial is old and out of date and predates much of what is now state-of-the-art in the WordPress world. Instead of pursuing this method, check out One Design’s How to Create a WordPress Theme Options Page for an up-to-date take on creating theme options pages. I’ve removed the downloadable .zip file containing my…

  • SuQLite

    If you were paying close attention, you would have noticed that the “Elbee Elgee Development” section of my footer was messed up for the past few days, and with good reason. That little bit of content is generated by parsing the RSS feed for the timeline on my Elbee Elgee Trac installation. Sometime earlier this…

  • A Plea For A Bit Of Help From You IE-Savvy Web Developers Out There

    I’m slowly working my way into making Elbee Elgee into a releasable theme and I’ve been merrily plinking away on my MacBook Pro, validating the look and feel in Opera, Safari and Firefox. However, I’ve also been trying to verify it using Internet Explorer while at work and have been driven to distraction by IE’s…

  • How About Helping A Fellow Web Geek Out, Huh?

    Why didn’t anyone tell me that my site/theme looks like absolute garbage in IE? I mean, I haven’t done extensive testing, but dang, man!, it’s awful. Crap.

  • Showin’ Off A Bit

    I’m experimenting with allowing for custom stylesheets in Elbee Elgee, so don’t be alarmed by the current style. It’s still the same back-end code with a nice ode to the superlative Tarski thrown in for good measure. I’ll likely head back to the blue style in a couple of days, but I would appreciate comments,…