Tag: Food

  • Apparently The Pickle Business Is Booming

    In the interests of pursuing a healthier lifestyle and scintillating conversation, several of my coworkers and I take a walk during our lunch break on a nigh-daily basis. Our usual route leads us through the Vlasic parking lot which generally resembles your run-of-the-mill corporate parking facility. However, a couple of days ago, we noted something…

  • Name That Pattern

    What do “Smoky, Honey, Body, Sweetness, Medicinal, Tobacco, Spicy, Winey, Nutty, Malty, Fruity and Floral” have to do with each other? Are they newly-incorporated Disney dwarfs? Exotic dancers? Proposed hurricane names? Nope. They’re the newly-certified “12 tastes of whisky”, meaning that you can be officially snobbed by whisky/Scotch conisse… coinnessu… aw, heck, experts like your…

  • Easter Weekend In Brief

    Saturday was an unseasonably warm day, with the highs reaching into the 80’s. There was nary a cloud in the sky for most of the day and a light, pleasant breeze served to keep things from getting too stifling. All in all, it was the kind of a day that one relishes spending out-of-doors, occupying…

  • A Crime Of Unspeakable Horror

    As I wended my way in to work today, I noted with a glum eye that the Northeast Philly Krispy Kreme has closed its doors, with very little warning. How ever will I get my disgustingly-fat-laden-melt-in-your-mouth-good donut fix now? A shock of that magnitude could give a person a heart attack. Wait, bad example…

  • A Very Merry Un-Birthday, To Me? To Me!

    Well, it’s time to celebrate your birthday, it happens every year We’ll eat a lot of broccoli and drink a lot of beer You should be good and happy that there’s something you can eat A million people every day are starving in the street Your daddy’s in the gutter with the wretched and the…

  • An Autumnal Gustatory Observation

    Sweetzels taste like Fall, you know what I mean? Add some hot spiced cider and, well, dang!