Tag: Nintendo-Wii

  • Wii’s Back — Wheeee!

    That’s right, the Wii arrived back, safe and sound. Turns out my “main circuit board” needed replacing. I’m unsure as to what was specifically wrong, but the solution was really the best I could have hoped for. All my Miis and saved games were preserved, which is excellent. The only downside is that UPS had…

  • Wii-less

    Curse and blast! Above is the screen that I am now resigned to staring at each day until my Wii returns from the Nintendo service depot. It started exhibiting “visual tearing” (little black shimmery spots) artifacts a few months ago, particularly in Zack & Wiki and Super Mario Galaxy, so much so that Z&W almost…

  • Defend Your Castle

    Okay, this just looks ridiculously fun. Nintendo released their “WiiWare” channel today, allowing original, direct-download gaming on the Wii in exchange for Wii points. Nintendo Wii Fanboy has posted their review of Defend Your Castle, one of the launch titles for the channel. The game is hard to describe, so I’ll let their video review…

  • Good Idea/Bad Idea

    Good idea: Defending your intellectual property via every means necessary. Bad idea: Defending your intellectual property via every means necessary by threatening to sue a competitor whose president is a former lawyer and who has the law on their side. Good idea: Reading Dave Barry’s Tax Day column. Bad idea: Reading Dave Barry’s Tax Day…

  • SBCG4AP — Good Jeorb, Guys!

    So, uhhh, Strong Bad’s Cool Game For Attractive People is coming out in episodic form for the Wii via Nintendo’s WiiWare downloadable content service. It is official: there is now no good reason for you not to own a Wii and, like, 40 gazillion good reasons to do so (30-35 gazillion of which are the…

  • …Saint Crispin On A Cracker! That’s Some Good Sith!

    GamePro got their grubby mitts on an advance copy of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for the Wii and, well, call me jealous. Their impressions of this early build are enough to make this Star Wars fan’s drool glands activate: Having had extensive hands-on time with The Force Unleashed for Wii, we can indeed confirm…

  • It’s A Brawl, Y’all

    Super Smash Brothers Brawl for teh Weeee!the Wii. Now that looks like some good fun. Vinny and I will have to be hooking up the online VS. play, I tell you whut.

  • Them Old Folks Take Their Wii Bowling Seriously

    The geriatric set has really taken to the Wii, apparently, and this mini-documentary goes to show the lengths to which they’re going in order to squeeze every last cent of value out of their (highly-desirable, easily eBay-able) Wiis: Heh. Source: Gizmodo.

  • Viele Verbindungen

    Guten Abend, meine Damen und Herren. Welcome to “Doug’s Brauhaus von Linkenarbeitsgemeinschaftigenluftenwarnungsteinen”. Tonight we are featuring a sumptuous feast of the finest in hand-picked links, personally selected by the owner. Please won’t you consider the menu? First off, we have two exquisite examples of technological cluelessness, the first of which, “Shut Up I Hack You“,…

  • Bloody Brilliant!

    Wii Fit: “No, honey, it’s not about Zelda, it’s a workout program! I swear I’ll lose my beer gut!” Now you just have to find one of the stupid units (and it’s not like Nintendo is going to be helping you out any. Jerks.). ADDENDUM: “No, honey, I have absolutely no interest in Super Mario…