Tag: the-onion

  • Friday Video Catch-Up++

    I’ve been sick in addition to working on that super-secret WordPress-related project this week, so posting has been necessarily light. In a ploy to make up for that lack, I present my well-nigh bi-weekly slacker post, comprised primarily of video links I’ve found to be of an amusing and/or interesting nature. First up, in honor…

  • Football Folderol

    First off, the bad: 2007 Week 2 Fantasy Football Results League: Fulford’s Heroes Deep Fried Turkey defeats Hiphopopotamuses, 114.30 to 106.40. *sigh* Jemaine’s luck runs out in the second week. I forgot to start Randy Moss who would have netted me another 15 points and secured a win. Them’s the breaks, I guess. Next, the…

  • Friday Linkfestivus

    Time for a little link dump, I’d say. Looking for an oldschool flair for your newschool iPod? Best grab a boombox dock, then. Via Wired, we have the wonder of officeplace Faceball.

  • Anthology Of “Meh, Could Be Interesting”

    [Yes, the post’s title is an invocation of a certain Futurama episode. -ed.] Presenting, with very little fanfare, a collection of (mildly) amusing links, etc. collected lo these many days. The USS Robert A. Heinlein? Too cool for school. Every friggin’ Transformer, like, ever sold on eBay for a cool $1 million. Fark Photoshoppers envision…

  • It Would Be Far Funnier If It Weren’t So Close To The Truth

    The Onion has a delightful piece this week titled Media Landscape Redefined By 24-Second News Cycle. As an avowed hater of CNN: Headline News and the idiotic 20 minute news spin cycle it has ushered in, I was howling at quips such as CNN is widely credited with initiating the acceleration of the modern news…

  • Mainstream Media – Easy Targets For The Onion

    Heh. The Onion takes the media’s “disgruntled soldier” meme and does it one better – Call Of Duty 2 Gamer Wonders If War Is Worth Dying 79 Times For: “After weeks of fighting for every pixel of ground and seeing 180 degrees of carnage in every direction, you start to wonder if it’s really worth…

  • Bill Introduced As Joke Signed Into Law

    I wonder if the official Chinese media will take this story literally too? The Onion: Bill Introduced As Joke Signed Into Law. Heh.