

Husband & father with youngins; Presbyterian; Will devops for boardgames; Dadjoke Enthusiast; Longtime WordPress user; The failure mode of “clever” is...

Amen To That

Frank J. offers an urgent call to President Bush and I, too, urge him on in this pursuit: punch Senator Chuck “Junior Maverick” Hagel square in the face. The amount of hyperventillating going on on NPR over Sen. McCain, Jr.’s…

Ah, To Be Mango!

Proof, once again, that vanity can do very, very strange things to people: Meet the Real-Life ‘Ken’ Doll. I feel sorry for the poor guy. He actually thinks he looks good, as opposed to hideous. And not just ordinary hideous,…

Retail Avarice

What is it about the Home Depot? Is there a pheremone that they’ve locked on to that causes Y chromosomes to hum like a plucked string? I’m not much of a handyman, as my wife can tell you, yet today,…

Compare And Contrast

I report, you decide: vs. Britney FederlineSpears: Brain stolen by mysterious brain slug; Explains bizarre marriage and ensuing behavior. [Picture taken at Spears’ “Morroccan-themed” baby shower, apparently. Click her picture for further creepyinformative details. -ed.]

Fun With Search Phrases

Any website owner/operator could probably hold forth for quite a while solely on the subject of odd search phrases that lead people to their sites. I, for instance, have seen searches for “Thumb+Of+The+Punisher”, “incent d’onofrio” and “what religion is eartha…