

Husband & father with youngins; Presbyterian; Will devops for boardgames; Dadjoke Enthusiast; Longtime WordPress user; The failure mode of “clever” is...

Aqueous Equines

Dear Google Search Results Quality Control Team, What you do in the privacy of the Google offices is your own business, but please refrain from giving us in Joe Sixpack Flyover Country a view into those shady goings-on: Seriously. Signed,…

Once Again, Lehigh Disappoints

The MPAA has released their “dishonor roll”, a list of the top 25 college and university campuses (campii? campusi? I give up!) with the highest number of “confirmed” “illegal” file sharers and, sadly, my alma mater once again failed to…

A Free Wii!

Want a shot at a free Wii? Then fire up your blogging software, create a link to UNEASY Silence’s Wii giveaway and then submit a comment over there pointing to your link Done. Easy peasy. Or, alternately, you could decline…

Translation: CNN Headlines To English

I have noticed that CNN/CNN Headline News have begun “tagging” all of their news with helpful chronological crawler/ticker headline messages. These tags allow one to, at a glance, determine approximately how old the news they are being presented with is.…