Tag: Matt-Mullenweg

  • Stuff I Learned On The Internet[s], Recent History Edition

    People approach me and say “Doug, we haven’t seen you post recently. What have you been learning on the Internet these last two weeks that you haven’t been posting?”* I learned that Matt Mullenweg started WordPress partially of a desire to help out his church. I learned that one does not mess with Finns named…

  • It’s Friday, You Ain’t Got No Job, You Ain’t Got No Money

    …But you sure-as-heck have stuff to do, namely: check these links! Foo! All you Philly area WordPressers take note: Matt Mullenweg will be in town next week and attending a meetup on Thursday. Grab a stool and swing by (well, not in that order necessarily…). Quaker Oats: Scottish Edition, possessors of the finest box logo…

  • Zounds! Google To Buy WordPress By Proxy!

    Well, okay, now that I have that little bit of headline rumor-/scaremongering out of the way, I’ve got to say: interesting things are afoot in the Automattic/WordPress world these days. First off, Matt Mullenweg announced a few days ago that, effective immediately, all WordPress.com (as opposed to .org) accounts would be receiving an upgrade from…

  • WWDC bbPress Meetup Wrap-Up

    I arrived a bit late to the Meetup last night due to the walk being quite a bit… longer than I expected. No matter — San Fran was lovely and temperate last night and I definitely got to know the downtown shopping district a bit better due to the walking “tour” I conducted. I joined…

  • Airport Blogging

    I’m sitting in PHL waiting for my flight to arrive and ferry me off to Apple’s WWDC ’07 and must admit to a good deal of excitement. Not only am I going to get to attend my first Stevenote (one that should include iPhone and Leopard info aplenty) but, as Matt Mullenweg mentioned, I’ll be…

  • New Look N’ Feel For The WordPress Progenitor

    Matt Mullenweg, the co-founder of the entire WordPress project and founder of Automattic has redesigned his blog after logging about 3 years-worth of use on his old design. I must say, it looks great and makes my pitiful redesign attempts seem paltry by comparison. *grin*