Tag: WWDC-07

  • A Bountiful Link-Filled Catch-Up

    I am fully cognizant of my delinquent blogging — apologies all around. I’ve been in full recovery mode since taking the redeye from SFO to PHL on Friday night. Short observations on that flight? Sucked like a brand-new Dyson 07 with the full pet hair kit. Stupid US Airways. In exchange for my previous silence,…

  • Blogslacking (Or, As I Like To Call It, “Doing Real Work”)

    I’ve been very busy here at WWDC these past two days and thus haven’t really had time to post much. Classes have been interesting and mostly useful. I got a chance to go out and see Ocean’s 13 the other night. My one sentence review: sappy, sentimental, a bit contrived, not much suspense, worse than…

  • Conference Observations

    There are around 5,000 people at WWDC this year. Excluding Apple and Moscone employees, I think I have seen 25-30 women, total. The ratio of males:females is quite literally 100-150:1. It’s odd interacting with the Mac geekery, being the old Linux/UNIX head that I am. After attending the “Stump the Experts” session last night, I…

  • WWDC bbPress Meetup Wrap-Up

    I arrived a bit late to the Meetup last night due to the walk being quite a bit… longer than I expected. No matter — San Fran was lovely and temperate last night and I definitely got to know the downtown shopping district a bit better due to the walking “tour” I conducted. I joined…

  • WWDC Blogging

    I’m sitting on the floor in Moscone West, waiting for the doors to open to the Presidio and hoping to get some seating for the Stevenote. Ho-leee cow, there are a lot of people here. The line to gain admission was around the block when I got here at 7:10 or so. The doors opened…

  • Airport Blogging

    I’m sitting in PHL waiting for my flight to arrive and ferry me off to Apple’s WWDC ’07 and must admit to a good deal of excitement. Not only am I going to get to attend my first Stevenote (one that should include iPhone and Leopard info aplenty) but, as Matt Mullenweg mentioned, I’ll be…