
A Show We OUGHT To Be Watching – “Nobody’s Watching”

Here’s a novel concept – the brains behind “Scrubs” and “Family Guy” produced a trailer for a TV show called Nobody’s Watching. If they’re telling the truth, they can’t get the major networks to pay any attention to the pilot, so they’ve posted it online and are asking people to contact the requisite network officials to get the series made.
Definitely a little rough around the edges, but it’s worth a look. Check it out.


5 responses to “A Show We OUGHT To Be Watching – “Nobody’s Watching””

  1. Props to them for including Gunther (James Michael Tyler) is a Clemson grad.
    I also like the girl with the boobs.

  2. […] It appears as if someone over at NBC Universal is watching the hits on the "Nobody's Watching" trailer over at YouTube very carefully. Nobrainer tossed me a link pointing out that NBC has picked up NW for an initial run of 6 episodes with more to come if the response is good. […]

  3. […] It appears as if someone over at NBC Universal is watching the hits on the "Nobody's Watching" trailer over at YouTube very carefully. Nobrainer tossed me a link pointing out that NBC has picked up NW for an initial run of 6 episodes with more to come if the response is good. […]

  4. […] It appears as if someone over at NBC Universal is watching the hits on the "Nobody's Watching" trailer over at YouTube very carefully. Nobrainer tossed me a link pointing out that NBC has picked up NW for an initial run of 6 episodes with more to come if the response is good. […]

  5. […] It appears as if someone over at NBC Universal is watching the hits on the "Nobody's Watching" trailer over at YouTube very carefully. Nobrainer tossed me a link pointing out that NBC has picked up NW for an initial run of 6 episodes with more to come if the response is good. […]