Category: Apple

  • Safari AdBlock: ‘Bout Time

    Firefox users have had access to AdBlock Plus for ages, allowing them to cruise the Web virtually ad-free. Well, no longer do they have a monopoly on the goodness, for Safari AdBlock (Safari 3/Leopard-only) has been released. It’s an easy install and catches pretty much all ads, at least in my thus-far limited testing. Now…

  • Eating My Own Dogfood (In A Good Way)

    Sorry for the lack of posting. Not only has work been crazy, but I’ve also been burning the minutes on my freshly-received iPod Touch, thanks to Matt Mullenweg and the iPhone contest. WPhone been berry berry good to me. *grin* Oh, did mention that this is my first official post from the Touch? Whee!

  • We Only Scored A ‘6.0’ From The Russian Judge

    …But still managed to pull out a win in the WordPress iPhone Content contest. Matt Mullenweg announced the results on the wp-hackers mailing list today. Stephane, Viper and I are super psyched about the win. Our congratulations also go out to Dan and Jared whose entry garnered them some great plaudits as well. I’ll be…

  • It Is Here, Thus I Shall Not Be

    It Is Here, Thus I Shall Not Be

    Awww yeah. Our copies arrived at work this morning — this is my first official post from a newly-Leopardized Mac Pro. I’m about to give Bootcamp a spin and my Applications folder is near-pristine, so I’ve lots of work to do.Onward, upward and Leopard.W00t!

  • Raincheck-Cashin’ Time

    Time for another mega-sized link dump courtesy of Y.T. Important things first: Capcom is producing a sequel to Bionic Commando for the next-gen consoles. Awesome. I loved the original NES title, even though its callous lack of save codes or battery backup made it impossible to finish under my parents’ old “only 1 hour per…

  • Happy Thorstag Omibus!

    It’s that time again — time to sum up a few days’ worth of browsing in a single, massive post. Richard Scarry 1963 vs. Richard Scarry 1991, a study in the P.C. Police. Oops. Somebody’s getting fired, so fired: A less than… glowing review of Halo 3, featuring a wicked Australian accent and a healthy…

  • Did Anyone Else Get 33% More Likely To Buy An iPhone Yesterday?

    Okay, so y’all did see the coverage of Apple’s little shindig yesterday where they announced New iPod Nanos with screen rezzes equivalent to the iPod Video iPod “Classics” featuring 80GB and 160(!)GB capacities The friggin’ iPod “Touch”, otherwise known as “iPhone Without The Phone Part” And a $200 drop on the iPhone’s previously astronomical pricetag…

  • Skitch Invites (5 Of ‘Em)

    There’s a nifty new app out for the Mac called Skitch — it’s a bit hard to describe, but the demo video on the Skitch site does a decent job of doing so. Basically, it’s a screen capture/markup tool with a distinct Flickr, et al. aspect to it. I managed to snag a beta invite…

  • This Town Needs An Enema

    Those that know me best know that I am no fan of Philadelphia Mayor John Street’s persona, politics or ethics, but I must object to the current “mini-scandal” brewing as just plain stupid. Here’s the situation: John Street (D, Philadelphia) is a bit of a gadget hound. He wanted an iPhone and so decided to…

  • I Wish I Had $600 “Revolutionary” Dollars To Spend On The “Revolutionary” iPhone

    I know that Apple always does things a bit differently than their competitors, but the 20 minute iPhone tour they posted today should simultaneously put every single other cell phone company 1) on notice and 2) to shame. Can you imagine how different people’s experiences with Treos, Qs and Pearls would be if Palm, Motorola…