Category Computers


Note: This is not a paid plug (I’m not a Backblaze affiliate) — I’m merely a satisfied customer. Do you back your stuff up? I mean, not just on-site (external hard drive, DVDs, etc.), but do you do off-site backups…

Oooh! Oooh! Pick Me! Pick Me!

The [in]famous (to those listening to TWiT podcasts, at least) Andy Ihnatko and Scott Bourne have started up a new Q&A-style website known as “Managing Your Digital Life” or and, in a fit of generosity, are giving away not…

Bravo, Sun. Bra. VO.

As you’ll note, there was very little blog output ’round these parts two days ago (read: I didn’t post a single durn thing). This was entirely due to a very, very long 16 hour day which featured a large-scale LAN…

Sites Of Reference For Your F.I.T. Needs

Many of my generation participate in F.I.T. (Family I.T.) activities on a regular basis, including, but not limited to, incidents wherein family members (and family members’ computers) must be rigorously brought to heel. Of particular use in these situations are…

Solaris Admins, You WantNeed PCA

No, I’m not talking about the Presbyterian Church in America, I’m talking about Patch Check Advanced. PCA is the Solaris analog to Fedora’s YUM[1], Debian’s APT[2], or even FreeBSD’s Ports[3]. It basically allows you to completely skirt Sun’s bloated, kludgy…