Category: Computers

  • I Now Officially Have One More Item To Distract Me From Safe Driving

    After soliciting your advice, poring over oodles of online reviews, product descriptions, etc. I decided to acquire the Griffin RoadTrip FM Transmitter and Auto Charger (well, technically, it’s a birthday present from my lovely wife. Thanks hon!). It arrived yesterday and thus I’ve had a small amount of time to get acquainted with it. Amazon…

  • Windows Admins, Feel Hal’s Pain

    ‘Cause I know I certainly have: Why, Steve? Why? Heh. (And yes, I know it’s a Symantec ad, but it’s still true and it’s still funny…)

  • Now THERE’S A Good Security “Fix”

    Microsoft announced a rather serious flaw with their Word product today which apparently affects every version of Word from 2000 through the most recent releases, Macintosh versions and Word Viewer included. There is no known patch, nor is there a work-around and none of the big anti-virus companies have a fix or even a virus…

  • I’ve Got A One Word Answer To Nielsen: “Eyephones”

    Nielsen (the TV/web/whatever ratings company) recently conducted a study regarding the use of iPods for video viewing and, well, the results are about what one would expect: less than 16% of iPod owners had ever used their device to watch any sort of video content and less than 1% of the total use time of…

  • Firefox 2: It’s The Little Things That Count

    I’ve been using the Mac version of Firefox 2.0 on my Mac Pro at work for the last few days and I have to say that it’s a pretty nice package. It remembers your session if your browser happens to crash, meaning that you won’t lose all those hard-fought tabs if FF should crap out…

  • Hooray For Grindings!

    Apologies for the lack of site updates as of late. Work has been dogging me and is unlikely to quit doing so until midway through this month. To make life even more fun, my MacBook Pro has begun making a very disconcerting grinding noise. I’m working under the assumption that it’s the fan making the…

  • Dell: We’ll Sell You Ugly Servers, Unless You Pay Us Not To

    Dell used to pride themselves on shipping, if not “pretty” servers, then at least non-ugly ones. They’re well-known for their steely-grey faceplates which over the years have served well to obscure the patent ugliness of multiple drive bays, optical disk bays, power buttons and other assorted server miscellania. We recently ordered a couple of PowerEdge…

  • It’s Not A Question Of Whether I’d WANT One

    …But more one of “what the heck would I do with a datacenter in a shipping container?” Probably sequence some DNA over a lunch break, play Pixar films directly from the render data, simulate some North Korean nuclear tests and maybe some chess with Kasparov for giggles.

  • Entertaining Geek Neologisms

    I was talking to one of our engineers yesterday (let’s just call him “A.”) about a certain senior engineer (let’s just call him “C.”) when A. revealed a very funny set of circumstances surrounding C. revealed by a third engineer (let’s call him “D.”). C. is a programmer from Ye Olde Schoole – until recently,…

  • Ahhh, Geek Humor

    Saw this one on the digg wires and thought it was too good to pass up posting: How to Shoot Yourself in the Foot in Any Programming Language: C You shoot yourself in the foot. C++ You accidentally create a dozen clones of yourself and shoot them all in the foot. Providing emergency medical assistance…