Category Humor

Fun Wif Da Vidyos

I’m a slacker, for certain, as I’ve been doing real work all day (meetings, meetings, meetings!) and haven’t had a second to spare. In lieu of actual content, please accept the offering of the single most incredible Quake3 trick jumping…

Once Again, Lehigh Disappoints

The MPAA has released their “dishonor roll”, a list of the top 25 college and university campuses (campii? campusi? I give up!) with the highest number of “confirmed” “illegal” file sharers and, sadly, my alma mater once again failed to…

Translation: CNN Headlines To English

I have noticed that CNN/CNN Headline News have begun “tagging” all of their news with helpful chronological crawler/ticker headline messages. These tags allow one to, at a glance, determine approximately how old the news they are being presented with is.…

The Unbearable Whiteness Of Being

Growing up as the son of a Presbyterian minister had its more interesting moments, I can assure you, but one thing that much of my upbringing lacked was an experience in racially diverse congregations. Presbyterians, not known to be a…