Category Observations

Your Ponderable For The Day

What ever happened to “Ring-Around-the-Collar”? If the advertising of my youth served as any indicator, RAtC was not only the enemy of those wishing to be well-dressed, but also the very fabric of civilized society itself. Detergent after detergent vowed…

Bah, Says I

As Andy(I) helpfully pointed out, this past weekend was host to this year’s incarnation of the historical rivalry between Lehigh University and Lafayette College. Unfortunately, Lehigh snatched defeat from the jaws of victory yet again, making them losers in 3…

Now That’s Just Plain Idiotic

Bryan Williams needs to be smacked upside the head with a lead pipe for proposing Hurricane Katrina as Time‘s “Person of the Year”. I, just, wow, man. I mean, wow. Are we that unclear on the definition of “Person”? Yes,…