Category Work

Holy OSHA Violation, Batman!

A note accompanying a passel of bottles of Ocean Spray juice left in the break room at work read thusly: All juices are past their expiration date. Consume at your own risk! Yowsa.

Solaris Admins, You WantNeed PCA

No, I’m not talking about the Presbyterian Church in America, I’m talking about Patch Check Advanced. PCA is the Solaris analog to Fedora’s YUM[1], Debian’s APT[2], or even FreeBSD’s Ports[3]. It basically allows you to completely skirt Sun’s bloated, kludgy…

In The Absence Of Real Content…

Work still continues to be insane, so I’ve had no time for blogging on breaks. While you look for meaningful content elsewhere, why not see what George Bush views as the #1 threat to America: zombies. …Or is the #1…

Dear Abby…

A brief question, dear readers: What, precisely, is the proper workplace restroom response to a coworker who, by all appearances, is talking to his toilet bowl, other than fleeing the scene at top speed? Follow-up question: What is the proper…

Airport Blogging

I’m sitting in PHL waiting for my flight to arrive and ferry me off to Apple’s WWDC ’07 and must admit to a good deal of excitement. Not only am I going to get to attend my first Stevenote (one…