Tag: WordPress

  • An Experiment

    In the past, I’ve plunked links that I’ve thought to be interesting, but not interesting enough to blog about into my WordPress “Drafts” section, which resulted in general chaos in my blog admin section, a situation that I’ve previously sought to address using del.icio.us; I’ve also added daily del.icio.us links to my feeds using tools…

  • ‘Twas A Busy Weekend, Part The First: Philadelphia WordPress Meetup/Blogger Bash

    This past weekend was an absolutely packed one, moreso than a usual weekend in the Stewart household. My wife, son and I arose relatively early on Saturday morning, assembled ourselves and headed over to Aron and Heather’s house. Heather is in her 9th month of pregnancy with “Spud”, as the next-gen has been nicknamed, and,…

  • WordPress Tutorial: Your First WP Plugin

    For those of you interested in developing plugins for WordPress, Mark Jaquith has whipped up a screencast (ala RoR) that does a great job of providing prospective WP developers a leg up in writing WP plugins. Very cool. For those of you further along the developer pathway, be sure to check out Mark’s nigh-comprehensive list…

  • Brain Dirty. Must Clean.

    If the content on the site has been a little light as of late, it’s not without reason: Will has been teething, I caught the 24 hour Avian Flu yesterday and I’ve been holed up in meetings getting reamed out by corporate auditors (sorry, “assessors”) all day long. Posting may continue in its lightened form…

  • WordPress Users Take Note – 2.0.2 Security Release In The Wild

    All of you WordPress users out there, take note: the WP dev team has released the 2.0.2 Security Release with fixes for an undisclosed security issue and several large bugfixes. I’ve upgraded all of my hosted sites to 2.0.2, so y’all should be fine, AndyOne, AndyII, Sarah, Brad, Vinny and Ann, and Ivor.

  • WordPress 2.0, Feed Icons And The Rise Of WordPress “Theme Engines”

    The “Duke” Is Back In Town WordPress version 2.0 (“Duke”) was officially released this week with very little initial fanfare, although the main WP site was given a complete facelift to mark the occasion. You can grab the 2.0 release on the download page. Be warned, however, that there have been a lot of complaints…

  • WordPress Comings And Goings

    There’s been quite a bit of activity in the WordPress community as of late and it’s worth summarizing in brief. First off, the development version of WP has been “rebranded” from 1.6 to 2.0 and Beta 1 was officially announced last Saturday. To coincide with Beta 1’s release, Matt Mullenweg has been soliciting help from…

  • Very Slick WordPress Theme Browser

    If you’re looking for a way to spruce up your WordPress install, you should definitely take a look at WordPress.net’s new theme browser. It has the vast majority of WP themes that I’ve seen, posted with thumbnails and easy previews. Very, very slick.

  • Site Comings And Goings

    Good news, everyone! With the host switch complete, I decided that it might be a good time to start sharing the wealth, as it were. I went from a hard limit of 1GB of files and 70GB of transfer/month on The Host That Shall Not Be Named to 4.8GB of storage and 120GB of transfer/month…

  • eWeek Reviews WordPress 1.5.2

    eWeek, a publication that I somehow inadvertantly became a subscriber to, has posted a review of WordPress 1.5.2 and declares it a “Good Fit for Business”. Nifty.