Tag: WordPress

  • A Quick Tip For WordPress Theme Authors

    nobrainer nailed me a couple of days ago for not having auto-discoverable feeds on my site. The process for adding them to your WordPress is a rather simple one. Add the following code to your document’s <head> section (usually header.php in WP themes):

  • “Props” In An Open Source Project! Fame And Fortune Are Mine! Except For The Fame Part. And, Most Likely, No Fortune.

    All of you bloggers looking to upgrade to WordPress 2.1 when it comes out, you’ll have me to thank for a very minor, almost inconsequential spelling fix in the included documentation. And I’ve got the URL to prove it! *grin*

  • Winning The Battle Of “Iconistan”

    Wired News is currently running a piece regarding the proliferation of “Submit my blog entry to…” buttons that have been cropping up hither and yon on blogs of every stripe. The number and proliferation of said buttons is indeed getting to the ridiculous point and, when bloggers actually post links to even the top few…

  • New Look N’ Feel For The WordPress Progenitor

    Matt Mullenweg, the co-founder of the entire WordPress project and founder of Automattic has redesigned his blog after logging about 3 years-worth of use on his old design. I must say, it looks great and makes my pitiful redesign attempts seem paltry by comparison. *grin*

  • Showin’ Off A Bit

    I’m experimenting with allowing for custom stylesheets in Elbee Elgee, so don’t be alarmed by the current style. It’s still the same back-end code with a nice ode to the superlative Tarski thrown in for good measure. I’ll likely head back to the blue style in a couple of days, but I would appreciate comments,…

  • Thank YOU, Mr. Spammer, For The Confidence Boost

    I check my Akismet queue each morning and note, usually with some amusement, the lengths to which spammers seem to be going in order to try to hawk their pornography, stock “tips” and manhood-enhancing wares on my site. Some opt for hundreds of links in a single comment (these seem to be a favorite of…

  • It’s Time For A Change

    That’s right, baby, I’m on my 5th revision (version 4, since all good computer scientists start counting at zero, of course) of my blog. Long time readers will likely recall the previous incarnations and, if you’ll excuse me a brief moment of vanity, I’ll run through them here. (Click the links below each thumbnail to…

  • Thank Heavens For That!

    I get all manner of annoying spam comments that pile up in my Akismet queue and I normally take a quick fly-by of the queue each morning to make sure that no legit comments were accidentally flagged. This morning, I was beset by the normal flood of “Sorry, friends! But I very need money!” porn…

  • The Beginnings Of A K2 Mod

    I’ve been running my blog on the excellent K2 theme/mod for quite a little while and, while K2 is a very nice, very slick theme, I have long wanted the option of having a third column for content and/or extra navigational content. There are at least two mods to K2 that allow for 3 columns…

  • …And With That, The Experiment Has Concluded

    For those of you paying attention, you will readily recall my decision to attempt to aggregate my daily intake of stories in a single post using a nifty tool provided by del.icio.us. I’m hereby announcing my intention to throw in the towel and declare the whole thing a Miserable Failure. I don’t know about anyone…