Category Computers

Overemotionalizing Technology

The Washington Post ran a very interesting piece the other day documenting the affinity that our military’s finest tend to develop with the robots placed in their care. The article starts off with, quite literally, a bang: The most effective…

Sequestered No More!

Just got out of a marathon sysadminning session where my team lead and I did quite a bit of architecting, planning, troubleshooting and strategerizing. All I have to say is that Apple rocks for their dscl and dsconfigldap command line…

Once Again, Lehigh Disappoints

The MPAA has released their “dishonor roll”, a list of the top 25 college and university campuses (campii? campusi? I give up!) with the highest number of “confirmed” “illegal” file sharers and, sadly, my alma mater once again failed to…